Tune In 19-Are You a Wall Flower

Tune In #19: Are You a Wallflower?

Are you keeping yourself small or staying on the sidelines of your own life? Are you a wallflower?

Tune in! Pick the photo that attracts you most.

Contemplate it to feel its advice on how to show up more fully in one or more areas of your life.

Then, scroll down to discover extra layers of meaning. Always take what serves you and leave the rest.

Tune In 19-Are You a Wall Flower

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#1 – Wellness

"Wellness" from the Blossoming Collection

It’s time to dance, skip, swim, or make love!

Move in that lovely body of yours in ways that make you happy.

Have you been putting your wellness on the back burner because your work or kids seemed more important?

Has your relationship to your Self, your partner, your friends suffered because the busy-ness of life took over?

Have you rationalized your way out of your own groove?

Movement raises your vibration by inviting Life Force, through your breath, to circulate through your body, soothing your mind and spirit too.

Exercise can be fun. Find what works for you.

If you can, start your day with a few minutes of movement to wake you up to your healthy happy Self.

Then incorporate it in your day.

Park a few blocks from work and walk the rest. Run up the stairs instead of taking the elevator.  Start a lunchtime yoga or dance club with your co-workers. Join in for some backyard play with the kids. Go hiking with friends.

Whatever you do, don’t put your wellness on the back burner. You’re worthy of wellness. Claim it!

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#2 – Open

"Open" from the Blossoming Collection

The life of a hibiscus flower is short. But what a difference it makes to those who witness its delicate beauty, drink its flavourful teas, or heal of its medicine.

What difference is your life making to those around you right now? How is your being here serving the world?

Here’s a great exercise I learned from the author/educator/businessman Stephen Covey to bring more of your Self into your life.

Imagine your own funeral. What would you like someone to say about you in your eulogy? How do you want them to remember your contributions in both your personal and professional life?

Vanity won’t matter once you’ve transitioned, so your answers will likely reflect the truth of your purpose and passion.

By starting with the end in mind, you can start working towards the truth of your essence.

Be more and do more of what you want to be remembered for. And be less and do less of what you’d rather no one say about you.

How can your unique voice add to the symphony of life?

Shine your beauty, dear one.  We need it!

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#3 – In Passing

"In Passing" from the Blossoming Collection

Go ahead, get glamorous!

Dress the way you want to feel.

You’re a fascinating, sensuous, colourful person.

So dress that way.

Are you hiding in your clothes?

Are industry standards suffocating you?

Does your hairdo need a make-over? Are you still doing your make-up the same way you did 20 years ago out of habit?

This isn’t about dressing for others or pretending to be something you’re not. It’s about being your True Self on the outside as well as the inside.

Have fun! Play dress-up until you find your perfect fit.  When you do, your radiance will naturally turn heads.

Let your clothes, hair, jewelry reflect your unique presence on this planet – even if it’s to go to the grocery store.

And if nothing in your wardrobe speaks your language, visit boutiques and thrift stores to find something new-to-you that reflects your Magnific-Essence.

In passing, you’re gorgeous. I see you. Now show yourself!

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#4 – Softness

"Softness" from the Blossoming CollectionWhether you’re a man or a woman, you’ve got both a masculine and feminine side.

If you’ve picked this photo, you’re being asked to honour and express your feminine side more.

Like it or not, this is still a masculine left-brain dominant world – at least here in North America. Learning to favour your masculine side is applauded in this society.

I didn’t even know I was doing it until an intuitive told me my right-brain was shrinking…. “Do something creative Dominique – anything – cut paper dolls!”.

Many have had to wear masks or ignore half of themselves in order to succeed. They’ve learned to only show strength and focus on goals, planning, control, actions, and results.

Where’s your feminine side? Has your right-brain been neglected?

This isn’t about dissing the left brain or masculine side. It’s about balance.

Do you need to soften up in the way you express or present yourself to the world?

Would you and those around you benefit from a more nurturing, creative, intuitive, spontaneous approach?

Do you need to enjoy the journey as well as the destination? Life isn’t all about work. You need to play and take holidays to rejuvenate and connect.

Don’t let your femininity be a wall flower. Bring your whole self to all areas of your life.

Here are some ways to nurture your feminine side:

  • contemplation
  • self-expression,
  • opening up about your feelings
  • time in nature
  • creative projects
  • play (cooperative vs. competitive)

So how can you be softer with yourself, others, and the projects in your life?

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

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4 replies
  1. Janis Dow
    Janis Dow says:

    As perfect as ever, and bang-on for me Dominique. I picked flower #2 the Hibiscus and as I looked at it I heard “vulnerable” something I work on being so I can be open with others and share my gifts. I’m halfway through “What Matters Most” by Hyrum Smith and this write up is in line with knowing what the things are that are important to me to share with others. Thank you so much! Love,

  2. Dorothy Corrigan
    Dorothy Corrigan says:

    Dominique, may you dwell in peace always, and may an abundance of peace envelop you in your time in NS. Blessings of renewed energy !


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